Category Archives: Innovation

SXSW Day 3: Reaching the People that Count

14th March 2011

Today I had the opportunity to attend a panel focused on influencers and how to reach them called “Influencer Throwdown: Proving Influence Once and For All.”

At Engauge we often find that building a one size fits all campaign does not reach its full potential. However, curate a community of influencers, and we just might unlock the doors to the right audience. The difficulty is defining, building and interacting with that audience – a task that is often times easier captured in a brief than accomplished.

When searching for influencers, it’s easy to focus on Klout score, follower count or the number of retweets a person may have, but is that the best way to derive action from your community?

At the end of the day influence is meant to do one thing: drive action, not impressions. Shiny celebrities online may present a message to a large audience, but if that influencer is not a authentic advocate of your brand, what good does it do?

Panelist Krista Neher described it best when she recounted having been solicited to try a new product on behalf of a bean bag company which she had previously raved about to followers. She accepted and was able to spread an authentic and real position on the brand. Her influence not only had to do with the size of her audience, but also an audience willing to listen and react.

While tools such as Klout or numbers such as following should always be a part of your brand’s influencer strategy, don’t let it define it. Look beyond counting people that reach and for the people that count and you’re sure to find new advocates along the way.

SXSW Day 2: Everything is Only 1% Finished

13th March 2011

Today I had the opportunity to visit the new Facebook Austin offices. The space largely unfinished with an industrial feel. Digging deeper, the team explained the reasoning behind the design, everything we do should always be only 1% finished.

There is always a problem to be solved, and a problem still exists not because its solution is impossible, but that someone hasn’t been impatient enough to do something about it.

A professor of mine at UGA, Dr. Scott Shamp, always challenged his students to make something work, then make it work better. These same mentalities can be applied to everything SXSW is about. Innovating, pushing the envelope and changing the way people interact.

Social moves beyond a singular tweet or Facebook post and in-between your TV, mobile phone, a screen at an event and beyond. It’s always 99% new, 1% familiar. The platforms, devices and apps will change, it’s our job to learn how, why and when people will interact with technology in their daily lives and hopefully learn to be a little more impatient while getting there.

SXSW Day 1: Get the party started

12th March 2011

I’ve survived SXSW day one, and considering the little planning time I have done thus far, I’d say it’s been pretty sucessful.

The largest takeaway for me so far has been it really is a huge party. We’re not just talking this type of party, but the kind where you can meet really cool people, all day long, with or without a drink in your hand. From new friends in the airport, to the free shuttle, to the taco truck and beyond, everyone is willing to chat and chances are they have something pretty interesting to share.

A few of my favorite tid bits from today:

Gowalla – Gowalla is taking is hometown to heart with a scavenger hunt in Austin. The location based app has reached out to local businesses and given them passport stickers, similar to what you would find in the app, and has handed out paper passports for users to collect place them in. Find 15 before Monday and you’re in to their exclusive party.

Lifekraze A fun startup based in Chattanooga, TN all about getting groups of people moving and spreading the motivation among friends. I found this really interesting for internal businesses or families looking to create group goals or incentives. Plus they were an entertaining group to hang out with.

Foursquare with Foursquare Fun = playing real Foursquare with the people who work for Foursquare and then winning a super soft t-shirt for doing so.

Taco trucks – They are everywhere and pretty much all sponsored which equals free food, which we love. Today we stopped by Hashable’s truck and even found some QR code love with our food.

Golden ticket – Stacy is pretty awesome and managed to unlock the Foursquare Golden Ticket Badge. Only 1 of 1,000 to be unlocked this weekend, we can now attend the Big Boi concert Monday night, we’re pretty excited about this one. Oh, and for anyone who might be worried, it starts around 10, so we won’t miss the finale of the Bachelor.