Category Archives: Life In Atlanta

Rock Hopping The Hooch

2nd August 2014

There are few things I love more than spending summer afternoons along the river. While I didn’t capture a single photo on last weekend’s canoeing adventure with Shoot the Hooch, (though my phone would have survived as we didn’t tip that thing once) I did snap a few on our most recent trek across the Chattahoochee thanks to my Nathan Shadow Pack a few weekends ago.

vida shake

Who needs a pool when you have views like these?

While Atlanta may not have the mountains of some of my other metro loves (ahem Denver), living with beautiful adventures like these just a fifteen minute drive away is quite the perk.

chattahoochee river

Having a fiancé that knows the river like the back of his hand as a perk, makes spending a Sunday afternoon simply hopping from one rock, as far as our Chacos would take us even sweeter.


Bliss, it looks like Vida would most certainly agree.

vida happy

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Summer, don’t leave.

Sipping tea with the bride to be

25th March 2014

Hosting friends and family over might just be my favorite part of this whole living in a space larger than an apartment thing, so when my best friend since middle school asked if I would be interested in hosting her bridal shower, I’m certain I squealed with a yes.

I’ve known Kristen since the sixth grade and we’ve always been quite the girly duo, so a tea party seemed like the perfect excuse to wear big hats and drink frilly things – all while surrounded by some of her favorite people.

Tea Party

While we didn’t drink any actual hot tea, it just didn’t seem fitting to have a bridal shower we made do with Arnold Palmers and  a fun champagne cocktail that also happened to be insanely easy to make.

Tea Party Cocktails


Thanks to the occasion and C Wonder, I finally had an excuse to purchase a cute little tea pot I’d had my eye on for quite some time, because if there’s anything that makes tea taste even better, it’s a decorative tea pot.

Tea Pot


I simply cannot wait for this little lady’s big day in just more than five weeks – FIVE. Thankful doesn’t begin to describe how much love I share for her, Rian and the friendship we’ve been able to share over the years.

In the theme of something sweet, here’s the recipe to the “Blushing Bride” cocktail, which seemed to be quite a hit for a spring afternoon.

Celebrating the Rainy Summer Days

27th July 2013

It has been one wet, muggy and downright gross summer here in Atlanta, but as with any rain, there are always sweet rainbows to follow, or better yet, skies like these.

The other plus side is mud. Yes, the kind five-year-old boys usually go giddy over, however, this summer I’ve joined that club too. I don’t think it’s a secret by this point that I take any time outdoors that I can get. Living in Atlanta vs. let’s say Breckenridge, it sometimes seems that groomed parks or urban trails might be the best we can do for a little spin with mother nature. And although I do love those places, it is the muddy, gritty, root-filled trails that make my heart sing. Surprisingly, Atlanta is filled with those paths too.

fog on the river

This summer’s weather has lead P and I to get a little more creative with our post-work hiking outings. It has lead us to not so well marked cliff-side trail detours (which also led to a LOT of chigger bites. Gross), afternoon canoeing adventures when the well-versed option for a tubing trip was squashed thanks to too high (and too bacteria filled) water, and most recently it has lead me to try my hand at mountain biking (try being the key word here).

I came home from today’s biking adventure a little sore, covered in Georgia red clay (my shins may now be stained in red streaks), feeling slightly accomplished, and excited to tackle it all over again.

Sometimes when mother nature throws you a few too many cloudy monsoon days, the best thing to do is to get out, explore and embrace all she has to offer. Just be sure to pack a towel and an extra pair of Chacos. That’s what washing machines are for after all.

vida after river

Summer, let’s call this my official plea to never, ever leave. Unless you want to take a short break for October, but then come right back now, ya hear?