The Perks of CES

11th January 2012

I’m in Atlanta this week, not Vegas drooling over the newest devices, but thanks to Klout, I just might be rewarded from the comfort of my desk.

This might be one of the most interesting uses of Klout Perks I have seen yet. Tapping into the massive amount of conversation taking place at CES this week, all Klout users are eligible to become the T-Mobile Social King (or Queen I suppose) of CES.

Entering is easy:
1. Opt in to the perk
2. Enter your email address
3. The topic CES2012 will be added to your topics
4. Spam your network to give you +K in that topic
5. Recieve the most +K in CES2012 by the end of the conference and you win a grand prize of a Samsung Galaxy S II with a year of service, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and a T-Mobile 4G Mobile HotSpot

OK, so the last thing I want is to see a Twitter timeline full of beggars, but this is certainly a new way to look at a platform that so far has done little to engage me beyond the occasional quirky topic that somehow lands on my list.

Features within the Perk itself, such as seeing the top influencers, top +K recipients, and best content from top influencers at the conference, round out an engaging experience of what can be an overwhelming space of conference conversation.

As the influence space continues to grow, it’s interesting to look at how both platforms and brands can benefit from this type of exposure and added engagement.

Looking to test it out? I will violate all personal rules and beg for you to give a co-worker of mine, Joe Koufman, his due +K.

Dayzipping: exploring the real world one adventure at a time

11th January 2012

I’m an avid outdoors fan, and there is no way I’d rather spend my weekends than hiking, running trails, or exploring the backroads beyond 285. Finding somewhere new however, is not always the easiest of tasks, and let’s just say the people who manage the outdoors spaces I love aren’t typically whiz kids when it comes to SEO, easy to use websites or social presences.

Yesterday while reading a blog post on local Atlanta startups, I stumbled across a company I had not heard of before and within the last 24 hours, it may be my new favorite app on the market.

Dayzipping allows users to select a city and preview a selection of days trips within their area to sort by various categories such as distance, popularity, price or theme.

Let’s compare dayzipping to Scoutmob, but with deals and adventures to take you someplace to burn all of those calories you just consumed at 50% off.

Currently available as a website and Andriod app (+1 for finding something my Apple lovers can’t have just yet), dayzipping is an easy to use experience to stumble across some of your areas most well hidden treasures, all in one place.

I can’t wait to get out explore, starting with this trip this weekend.

How do you discover things to do around your area? What are your favorite Atlanta destinations on the cheap?

Redefining resolutions through technology

4th January 2012

The dreaded swap of comfy sweaters to those for spandex and running shoes, it seems to creep up earlier and earlier each holiday season. New Years Resolutions to get in shape are nothing new, but let’s be honest the word “resolution” really should mean “I’ll keep this up for at least two weeks and then let my too busy schedule take over.”

Making a “resolution” and sticking to it takes more than a new pair of sneakers, it takes a shift in the way we behave and luckily there are plenty of tech gadgets out there today to help you do just that. Here are a few of my favorites.

There’s nothing new about the Nike+ system which launched in mid 2009, but it’s still one of the best on the market and my fitness addiction. The system, which started as a simple in-shoe chip and receiver for an iPod has now expanded to an iPhone app, GPS watch and SportBand.

My new favorite is the SportBand watch which easily allows me to glance at time, distance, calories, pace and time elapsed on my wrist. The whole system costs less than $60 and the watch face converts to a easy to plug in USB to record data. No more glancing at an armband or carrying an extra device.

The motivation for logging those miles? The Nike+ system makes it easy to track progress, set goals and join groups with other runners – both physically or virtually. I’ve found setting small goals for myself like run X miles this week or run X runs with an average pace of X have really kept me going and striving to hit the next level.

Not a runner? Check out the Nike Training Club app, which allows users to pick a type of workout and follow through with timed exercises and video tutorials.

Apple TV and YouTube
My boyfriend, tired of watching Netflix with me on my tiny computer, recently surprised me with an Apple TV. Beyond Netflix, I’ve found it to be a great companion to quick workouts when the weather is miserable or I just don’t feel like heading out the door. With YouTube integration, I can easily add workout videos to playlists from my computer and easily catch up through my TV.

With YouTube’s recent launch of the YouTube Next Trainer program, I can easily follow along with some of fitness’s rising stars from the comfort of my living room. This is the perfect motivation for quick exercise direction before bed, with most workouts lasting 10 minutes or less (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t have 10 minutes before heading to bed).

Yes, most of my Pinterest boards do fall into the categories of DIY, crafts and cute owls, but Pinterst is a great place to find easy, healthy recipes. Not typically a huge cook, I’ve found myself cooking much more from scratch and saving more money than ever before by choosing the right recipes. An easy favorite of mine: baked apple chips. These take 5 minutes to make, let bake for a few hours  while home during the evening and take to work for a snack the next day.

Use that time with your electronic devices in new ways this year and you might just find yourself with a “resolution” that lasts far longer than 14 days.