Turning Sparkly Objects into Action

19th August 2011

Today, a coworker of mine encouraged us to take advantage of the sunshine and enjoy lunch outside for a change. Sometimes it’s the smallest actions that can change your day. As hard as stepping away from the chaos for 30 minutes can be sometimes, it’s 200% necessary.

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of attending Chick-fil-A’s annual Leadercast event, combining some of the industry’s brightest speakers, most passionate companies and enough momentum to make you want to go outside and save the world.

Chick-fil-A Leadercast Highlight Reel 2011 from GiANT Impact on Vimeo.

Leadership and momentum sound easy when you’re listening to someone yell about how you can change your life today, but putting the sparkly objects into practice, now that isn’t exactly a walk in the park. It’s the ability to push yourself to do more, break out of the mold, and treat work like something you love.

During my last year at Engauge, I have learned that if I don’t make time for the “fun” stuff or the “non” work stuff, my productivity and the work I produce suffer. Innovation certainly can’t live on an island, so working somewhere where I am surrounded by people who push me to do more, to be uncomfortable and ask why is truly the most rewarding action of all.