Good Days and Bad Days: Perspective

28th March 2013

Some days are good days and others are not so good days…but the good news is, I’m a big believer that your perspective is what decides the fate on those days. Let’s take today for instance.

Today was:

Filled with meetings,
Last minute client requests,
A little agression,
And overall left me feeling as if I’d been hit by a bus.

BUT I’m typing this with a big ‘ol smile on my face (and probably seeming a little crazy for it).

Today also reminded me:

I work with amazing people who care about me when I’m at my desk and when I’m not.

A coworker left a copy of Sheryl Sandberg’s new book Lean In on my desk with a little note and no other reason but “I thought you might find this valuable.” Little gesture = big impact.

I’m surrounded by friends who constantly amaze me with their outpouring of love, confidence and support.

I’m not even the one who needed it today, but I was fortunate enough to witness it. You can replace all of the meetings and the deadlines, but you can’t replace the people.

I got to see a friend living out his dream as he opened his own restaurant this week and I was finally able to visit.

He’s proof that hard work, dedication and caring about people along the way goes the distance. Just seeing the simile on his face and his interaction with customers was a day maker all on its own, not to mention the food was delicious. If you are looking for a great burger, check out Cheeseburger Bobby’s on Roswell Road in Buckhead. Ask for Ryan.

Coincidence that tomorrow is Good Friday? I think not. Go out and make sure it’s a good Friday indeed.

Here comes the sun (fingers crossed)

24th March 2013

This guy and I are not on good terms. Source.

This guy and I are not on good terms. Source.

I’m certainly not the first to point it out, but I’m certainly just as bitter. Mr. Groundhog quite simply sucked at his sole responsibility this year. An utter and complete liar that little guy has been. What a jerk.

As I write this post, it is pouring rain and 40-something degrees. It is also the last week in March. I’m quickly starting to believe I no longer live in the sunny south, but somewhere much less pleasant. While mother nature doesn’t seem to be planning to get with the picture anytime soon, a girl can dream about warmer, and sunnier trips to come.

Within the last two weeks, I survived my first getaway weekend of 2013 (survived is appropriate as this was Savannah for St. Pat’s for a bachelorette party) and have booked flights for two upcoming trips in the next 30-days.

In January, I shared my unfinished resolutions, one of which I’m hoping this favorite little season will help me to continue to knock out of the park: to take more risks.

So what do booking flights and taking vacations have to to with this?

Taking time away to do fun things definitely doesn’t scream “check-that off the list” when it comes to resolutions, but when it means stepping out of the routine, it means a much more fun version of that goal. Here’s what I can say I’ve checked off the list so far and what’s exciting to come during my favorite (sunnier) season of the year.

On Taking Risks

One of my college roommates is finishing up her final Optometry school rotation before she becomes a real-live doctor in Tucson, Arizona. Rotations mean short times in neat cities, and add in our other college roommate’s teacher schedule and we were left with a single weekend in which to make a trip. I’m a big fan of not having plans and going with the flow, but not when it comes to things like spending money.

My friends and family can attest for my need to “beat” the retailers when it comes to the sale, the coupon or the discount. Booking a flight across the country three weeks before takeoff = not cheap. But what the heck, we did it anyway. How often is your best friend going to live in places that look like this, have a car and a free place to stay? In a rare occurrence, my stomach didn’t even drop when I clicked the purchase button.

How do you say no when your BFF is Instagraming this on a daily basis?

How do you say no when your BFF is Instagraming this on a daily basis?

In an act of balance, the airline world must have rewarded my efforts, as I snagged a flight deal for a $40 discount within a 24-hour timeframe for the next trip to DC later in the month to run the Nike Women’s Half Marathon. High five bank account. This race will mark my fourth half marathon and my frist destination race to do so. Oh, and there’s that little promise of a blue Tiffany’s box at the finish line. If that isn’t motivation to make a weekend getaway out of a physical activity, I’m not sure what is.

In addition to these two weekend trips, P and I are looking to go big this year for the big 25. We both officially enter our mid-twenties this year and are hoping to take some time off to take a vacation to somewhere we have never been. We do a lot of exploring locally and to family favorite spots, but want to switch it up this year. Ireland? Jamaica? Costa Rica? Who knows. We’re not there yet. Our only requirement: it must contain at least one activity the requires the use of the Go-Pro.

So there you have it, baby steps, but three months in and the resolutions are still alive. Spring is certainly going to be a whirlwind with trips in addition to races, weddings and gradations. I’m looking forward to meeting the rather fun challenges head on, if Spring ever decides to show up. Come on Mr. Groundhog, we’re ready for you.

Finding Home

20th March 2013

Today I had the excuse opportunity to head to Athens, GA (home of my alma mater) for the day to speak on a panel regarding using social media to get a job, which was wonderful. There are few things I love more than sharing even a fraction of the advice, guidance and hope that was shared with me during my days in college.

It’s amazing to look back and see how many things have changed – from campus (Mexicali on Lumpkin closed??), to the community (fun fact: my baby sister is closer in age to students than I am, which is just plain awkward) and to life after Athens.

There is no possible way that if current me had the ability to teleport back to junior or senior me and shared where I am today and what I have had the opportunity to see and do in just three years that I would believe a word of it. Yet, I drive down Broad Street and I’m taken right back as if a day had never gone by.

Athens was my first home. It led me to find out who I am (and that I was more than the little quiet one).   I fell in love with leaves (and a sudden hatred for that machine that vacuumed them all up from the streets), with football and with a rather adorable someone in Athens. I met some of my best friends and learned where passion and drive can take you through the story of a little boy with HIV. I discovered running. I made silly decisions that lead to fantastic stories. Four years goes by far too quickly, but the best part is certainly seeing all of the amazing that can unfold after it ends.

In sum, today I was humbled and reminded how awesome this path can really be. #awesome.
