Rewiring Success

23rd February 2013


A Pinterest favorite, and beautiful artwork found here.


I’ve spent the past five and a half months in a women-only leadership program (more on that soon). The experience has been fantastic and has opened my eyes to growing in the workspace, both personally and professionally, but more than anything I have spent a significant amount of time thinking about my future and success.

Before we go any further, let me preface the rest of this by saying, I certainly haven’t reached a come to Jesus, OK I get it, hallelujah moment about where to go next or what my magic yellow brick road of career path looks like (though man, I wish someone would hand that map over).

It has, however, forced me to think about how I define success.

Earlier this week, I read an article about work-life balance which hit the nail on the head perfectly for where I am currently. What if our happiness isn’t about the hours, the balance, the clients or the people alone, but starts with the root of accomplishment?

So it starts here: how do I define success?

The article sites a study where a group of workers was forced to take a night a week away from their smart phones and email. The discussion following was incredibly interesting:

The people who thought themselves addicted to work were really addicted to success and its signals. So if you want to build a team culture where people are encouraged to unplug and renew, rewire the signaling. Cheer when people come in and say that they unplug; slap their wrist when they don’t. Source

Going back to the mechanics.

What if we moved past the lists, the checkboxes and the powerpoint slides and focused on the relationships, the conversations and where work would lead to in the next five years? After all, today and tomorrow will eventually add up to a career, right?

Rewire the system, take a look at the mechanics and maybe this twenty-something can turn those check-lists into change.

I’ve hit a whole new level of {running} crazy

19th February 2013

Today I hit an entirely new level of running crazy. We’re not talking speed, distance or course, but rather my actions while out and about.

Today when my phone rang about half way through a run I proceeded to answer it and then kept running, all while holding a normal conversation .

Crazy, I’m telling you. It’s not normal to walk past someone having one of those bluetooth conversations, let alone while running down a trail with plenty of other people out and about.

I hadn’t historically even carried a phone with me while running, until this little incident, but now it’s my new safety line. Typically, I would just ignore calls and texts while out on a run, but thanks to those handy little iPhone headphones, I no longer have to fret about that.

Handy little chatting devices, thanks Apple.

Handy little chatting devices, thanks Apple.

Running with a friend is the ultimate surefire way to improve your pace. If you can learn to keep a good pace while holding a conversation, just imagine how you’ll feel out on your own or on race day with adrenaline pumping. I’ve spent the last year and a half running with a dear friend who is quite the chatty Kathy Katie, and I absolutely love her for it. Thanks to our running conversations, I took off almost two minutes per mile in a year of half-marathoning.

My running buddy recently started a new job that is slightly further away from our former mutual office, meaning I’m running solo a lot these days. So a phone call seemed like a perfect way to mix both worlds, even if it was a the cost of my looking slightly nuts while talking away to thin air and barely catching my breath.

At least I’m not quite this girl, but oh don’t you worry, this reality is only about half a mile away if this running solo thing keeps up. I have been known to follow the instructions in the lyrics of “Spice Up Your Life” whenever that comes on my iPod, so I make no promises for what’s next in the world of crazy running.

How do you keep yourself motivated and entertained during solo workouts? Am I alone on this one?

Weekend Wins: Decorating with Craigslist

10th February 2013

It’s been a little over two weeks since I moved into a new apartment and this little place is finally starting to look like a home. Over the past few weeks, I have also become Craigslist stalking obsessed: the good news, after Saturday we are now 33% there. I hope.

Our new apartment view. Not too shabby.

Our new apartment view. Not too shabby.

Our new dining room space is slightly smaller and a little more size challenged than our last place. This means when we moved we said goodbye to the table and chairs we had borrowed for the past few years. This also means we have spent the last two weeks eating dinner off of the coffee table.

The unofficial Craigslist app

The unofficial Craigslist app

Back to the Craigslist stalking. Let me tell you, if you think this is as easy as a “find a super cheap, yet super adorable and also not from a crazy person’s house” kind of trick, you are sorely mistaken. But that’s half of the fun.

I kept the searching simple: “table” with photos, under $100, in the Atlanta area. The unofficial Craigslist app also worked wonders. The app allows you to save favorites, see photos and keep checks on which ads you have already browsed, all which came in extremely handy as I’ve been trying to check this thing at least once a day.

After several failed attempts at possible matches {I’m telling you, you have to watch this thing like a HAWK. We are talking less than an HOUR in some circumstances for things to get swooped up}, I lucked out, seeing an ad early Saturday morning for a small pedestal table which just might work. A phone call and a measuring tape later and I was on my way to pick this little guy up. For $15 dollars. Score.

The new $15 baby space table

The new $15 baby space table

Unfortunately, the chairs that came along with this guy {yes, the ad was for one table and TWO chairs for $15. That’s why the stalking is worth it} were not quite as cute and they found a new home at Good Will on the way home.

Which leads me to the 33%. We now have a table, no chairs. Decorating happens in baby steps right? I have a few choices in mind already, but I’m quite in a bind and at a loss on which direction to head.

Two chairs or four? K and I are small people, yes, we have guests, but two chairs just might make the space feel bigger and not over crowded. And that’s what we can pull up extra chairs for.

I've always had a crush on these guys. Not so sure we can pull them off...

I’ve always had a crush on these guys. Not so sure we can pull them off. Source

Tall or short? I’m thinking tall chairs might help the space look bigger if we stick to the two chair plan, plus I can likely reuse these babies as end chairs when I have a larger dining room in the future.

Another front runner + long term relationship-ability

Another front runner + long term relationship-ability. Source

Print or solid? I love a good print and anything with lots of color. Still undecided here.

Too much? Not enough? Give a girl some advice.

Too much? Not enough? Give a girl some advice. Source.

So check one for Criagslist. I’ll keep up the stalking in hopes that the powers are still with me and I find another great deal, or at least something I can easily paint and recover. Or I might just become impatient and click the purchase button one of these guys.

Clealy I’m undecided. Help, suggestions, votes in the comments are all very welcome. Here’s to making an apartment in the city a home.